99 players remain from the 790 entrants, and 81 get paid, so it'd be nice to get into the loot on the first event, but obviously all you can do is play. Watch and wait.
Dwindling pretty fast (my stack that is) and we've just reached 1500/300/500 on my big blind. Marvellous. Dropped back from 99 players to 93 quickly, but I'm in the all too familiar spot of needing at least a double up to get me into the money and progress in the event. It'll likely be a case of me jamming with something strong and not getting called, or me taking a flip which of course I'd rather not do. However it is what it is. My 48k start is now 34k and it's going to cost 4900 per round minimum to play. So you see where I'm at.
Now 10 off the money and really not liking where I'm at. Any skill for me here pretty much goes out the window, along with my edge.
And just like that I'm reintroduced to the pain of playing poker tournaments.
I raise to 7500 out of a 31,000 stack with QQ, my neighbour jams and I call once everyone else folds.
Me: QQ
Him: AA
The old soak at the other end of the table says to me before the board is dealt "hey, I got some bad news for you".
I politely cut him off and thank him for not telling me he folded a Queen, though clearly he wanted to. No one outers for Kevin, and that was that. Bust 7 off the money in a 790 player field.
Little to say about it. Sigh etc. onto the next, which will likely be the Venetian $600 in a day or two.
Any sharp eyed readers will now spot that my stack consists of different chips and also that I'm sitting in a different casino. No point in crying into my beer over today's Venetian exit, so I've gone over to the Wynn to play the daily $200 on my own dime. The Venetian had a $400 DSE bounty event with a $30k guarantee, but right now I'd rather keep the allocated schedule budget for the events with much bigger guarantees in the coming weeks if possible. Also I'd rather not bust one schedule event and dive into the next immediately. That might sound overly cautious, and I'm sure if I have some $ left over near the end of the trip then I could be more flexible, right now I would just rather take it slowly with the budget and use it on events that offer the most value for both me and the stakers.
Next break and I've played well and kept slowly building. Catastrophe then strikes when I get AQ and QJ all in vs my JJ. I manage to come last and am down to half the average and 1/3 of my stack. 26/51 remain with 6 getting paid. Ho hum.
Limped on for a bit and found a second wind. Win a few small pots and the table broke. Got moved to the right of 3 big stacks and finally got it in with a pair, a gutshot and a flush draw, and got called by two players with over pairs. No love for me and that was that. This time 11 off the money.
That's enough poker for one day. Don't think I did anything terribly wrong in either event today but as most of you know that's sometimes not enough. Driving home from the strip now to try to relax for a few hours, get my head together a bit, and regroup for the next assault. Will maybe try a video update if it's behaving itself now.