Sit down with a couple of friendly faces, one familiar one, and a beard with shades, lots of tattooes, and a massage girl stuck to his back. Looks like a fun day.
I get busy early on with the right mindset, and my 20K is down to 18,500, then quickly back up to 22,500.
Level 2 and up to 24,500. The cowboy on my left has reraised me twice and I've folded. I've told him we'll likely play a big pot together soon. So far based on what he's shown he likes to play top pair like it was a straight, so we'll try to snag him later.
My neighbour Mike asks my opinion on a hand, what I would do with 99 on a K85 board when a short stack bets out for 1500. I politely (and truthfully) tell him I'm simply not the guy who discusses the play of poker hands at the table. I leave all that to the experts out there who love to pick everything to death. Most of the time they spout the same thing and just show how little they actually know about poker. He seems surprised and maybe mildly miffed that I don't want to talk about the hnd, but I'm just being honest. I'm not being a dick or anything. People who know me will tell you I talk about everything BUT poker at the table, and not poker itself. If you want to tell me about a hand, or a bad beat, if it makes you feel better I can pretend to be interested, but trust me, I'm not. Ever.If truth be told, the years he's seen me playing here I'm amazed he's never noticed that. Ho hum.
A beard with a baseball cap and headphones just sat down. I've played him before and to me he falls into the category of ABC online player, predictable and unremarkable. That's not a bad thing to be up against.
I lose one with 99 when I call a reraise preflop with 99 3 way and miss. I had the chips with which to speculate. Back to 20K again.
Baby pair misses another and drop to 18,500. Still feeling wonderful.
The cowboy next to me just bet 4K with Q 10 on the river n a Queen high board versus another player who called. The cowboy was winning. Christ I love this table.
Level 3, and still 18,500. 183/189 remain currently.
A guy down the end in a big hat has shown a tenancy to call any raise, and then overbet the flop most times to try to pick up the pot. I raise with Kh Qh and he once again calls the raise. Flop comes out K J 9 with one heart, and he fires 3500 straight out as previously.
The Kevin of old might have just been cautious and taken off a card, but you know what? Screw that. All - in. How do you like them apples?
He squirms around then mucks whatever bag of shit he was betting with. Good stuff.
Up to 38K by virtue of the same guy. I look down at Kc Ks. A bunch of limpers for 200 so I decide to make it 1500 to go to thin out the field.
Only 3 of them decide to call, including the cat in the hat.
Flop is 6 8 10 rainbow. The hat immediately moves in for 12K. Second player folds and I decide he's true to form and I rejam. If someone has a set or 97 then congratulations. We end up heads up, and he shows 98 for a pair and a gutter. 2 bricks and we're in business and send him to the poor house.
Shortly after I call a raise with 23 offsuit versus a button steal and add another 1500 when I make bottom pair and call the river and he shows air.
Surreal. The guy who busted me yesterday just walked up to me like we're pals, and apologised for knocking me out. He then told me how he ended up busting also and about the outdraws, but I must say I was shocked he came up and spoke to me, let alone said sorry. I guess some perceptions can be wrong, even mine.
Back from break and I lose one in a 3 way pot with the old cowboy. I have AQ and he shoves his last on a 377 flop. We fold and he grumbles he had trip sevens. OK, so you called the 2800 preflop with 7....what???
And it all comes tumbling down. In ugly fashion.
Raise with Ad 5d, 2 callers. Flop A53. Big flop bet and A6 gets there with a club flush. I'd like to throw up, but I'll just keep going. down to 17K.
Up to 20K again when I get busy with Jc 10c and flop a Jack.
Back to grinding for a while. That's pretty easy as I'm looking down at 83, 62, and Q4 offsuit mostly now. 216/273 remaining.
The cowboy on my left seems determined to go home early, his chips are up and down and all over the place. However he's still clinging on stubbornly.
I play AQ cute and win a small pot with one pair. Up to 22K.
I look down at QQ and there's a raise to 800. I make it 3000 in the cutoff. Three people call, including the cowboy. I have still yet to find the amount that works to get anyone out preflop and just take a pot down. Go figure.
Flop is AA2. First to speak bets out for 5500, and another player calls. I muck, (in disgust but not visibly. The bettor wins the pot by firing again on the turn, and proudly shows his A2 suited for a flopped boat. I'm on 16,500.
Level 5, and the cowboy on my left just showed me how to play 64 suited and busted me.
I'm in the small blind with As 9h. It's folded round to Mike, the guy on the button who knows me and is a reg in the Venetian and Wynn events. He makes a standard raise to 900. I smell a rat and make it 2900. The cowboy on my left has put in 400 for the big blind, so can't see a reason not to put another 2500 in as well. Mike also calls.
Flop comes 9s 8s 5s. Top pair and nut spades for me, and 11K or so in the middle, and me with 13K left. I'm first to speak and check. I want one of these guys to bet. I'm only drawing dead to a flopped straight flush, so let's get it in and see who has something.
Cowboy leads out for 3500, and Mike shuffles around then folds. I ship. This guy normally calls if he has one pair, so I want the action. Just not when he calls and turns over 6s 4s for a flopped flush.
Now the 7s is dead for me as it would make him a straight flush. Great.
No other spades materialise, and that's the end of that.
Without labouring the point of the post earlier, I bust but feel fine about the way it played. Two big hands today, and both times I was the one making the action rather than responding to it. First time the opponent has a flush draw and calls and then hits, second time I have the nut flush draw, I shove, and miss. Most players don't know the difference between these two scenarios, but it's huge. Welcome to poker. Both times I gave myself an extra way to win by betting, and put the decision to the other player. The cowboy (and I get no pleasure in saying this) will be out sooner or later. He's just too robotic, predictable, and has no awareness that he might maybe not be in good shape. Not the hand with me, fine, he flopped a flush and I have no issue with that at all. But if you're going to keep calling 3K raises with 64 out of position, trust me, your days in most tournaments are numbered. I wish him luck anyway.