The good news is that it has allowed me to take an actual photograph on the fly instead of updating the site four hours later with snaps which I've had to email myself and then download! I'm currently using my old iPad as a stand on which to rest my new Surface Pro 4 so it still serves a purpose of sorts...Oh happy times.
To be fair, you've missed very little updates wise. Most of my start table doesn't want to speak and with about two exceptions seems intent on getting at least 7000 of their 30k starting stack in preflop as often as they can. I'm in my shell right now waiting to back into the inevitable double up which I'm pretty sure will arise when some boob wakes up witha pair of fives or better and wants to lump it all in against my Kings. That's the plan anyways!
Now on the first break after three levels and I'm still on starting stack after playing few pots and winning/losing very little. One guy on my table just gave his all-in opponent the big speech about how he was pretty sure his non-nut flush was losing, then called with it, and busted him when the guy flipped over a straight and left the table looking disgusted. Fun of poker tournaments...
Level 5 already (40 minute levels) and still on 31k or so. Table a bit less crazy now. Indian gent at the other end of the table is going for the whole sensory deprivation thing. Jet black Ray-Bans, headphones, no expression at all, no interaction. Might be better to just turn up in a flotation tank and play from there.
This looks to be a monster event that will smash the $700k guarantee. PH have added a 7pm flight tonight and there are three more flights tomorrow. Good reason to splash about and fire another shell if required but for now I'll just sit tight. The play isn't world class. Mainly a lot of guys having fun just playing lots of pots, which is no bad thing for anyone.
Lost a 4k pot when my AQs flopped top pair and 77 stayed in and turned a set. Minor injury.
Get it back shortly after when a laggy kid in a hoodie tried to represent a rivered flush and I had to make a river call with 43 for a pair of threes that was good. You'll be alright son.
Sal just got it all in preflop with KK vs J7 suited for around 35k. The J7 makes a flush on the river. nice pain.
I'm not faring much better. I just lost QQ to a set of twos on a rag board. Down to a dismal 11k at 50/250/500.
I could fire again but honestly I think buying in for the 11am flight on day 1b and taking an early night is the better answer. I never got going today and nothing can change that so I'll focus on tomorrow instead.